Monday, May 10, 2010

Nusa Lembongan Roundup

On Thursday, we all presented our Independent Study Projects, which marked the last bit of work for the semester. (I got to read one of my stories to everyone, which was fun.) After that, we had a quick trip to Immigration to get our visas renewed for the last time, which also involved getting fingerprinted. Kind of creepy, but we were assured that it's standard procedure for anyone staying in Indonesia over a couple of months (there's a precise time limit, but I forget what it is).

Once that was all accomplished, it was off to Nusa Lembongan, one of the three small islands off the coast of Bali (still part of the Bali province), for our last excursion. Unlike the other excursions we've taken, where we had classes and lectures to attend, this one was pure vacation, a final hurrah for the group. (The semester ends on the 14th, and has gone by amazingly quickly.) We stayed right on the beach, at a small hotel with fantastic curry.

 The view from the hotel.

Since most of the coast is used for seaweed farming, each day we took another, smaller boat about ten minutes away to a beach better for swimming. Two of the guys and I found a beach even better for swimming that required crawling through a hole in the rock, timing it carefully so we didn't get squished by incoming waves. (Of course, Ary and Yudi then proceeded to find a path over the cliff. Not as fun, though.)

On Saturday morning, we went snorkeling. I found a huge fish with a big protrusion coming out of his forehead that the boat driver said was called a "jacket fish," although I'm not sure why. (Upon a Google search, I think that's wrong. I'm pretty sure it was a "unicorn fish," which is even cooler.)

The next day, we rented bikes and went all around the island. It's not a very big island, and the trip took us maybe three hours, a significant proportion of which was spent hanging out and swimming around in a mangrove...grove (forest? copse?). After the mangroves, we continued on, heading up a huge, endless hill and then down its equally steep side with our questionable rental bike breaks.


Aside from the snorkeling and biking, we spent a lot of time swimming and playing scrabble and cards. Then, this morning we returned to Bali, where we're back with our homestay families. Tomorrow and Wednesday are Galungan, a holiday to celebrate each family's ancestors. Almost everyone roasts a pig to celebrate -- not sure what I'll end up eating!

1 comment:

  1. wow - i can't believe it's almost over! wow.... glad you enjoyed your last big weekend. and congrats on getting all the work done! your semester is over!

    FYI, the tastiest part of the pig is the cheek. if you were ever tempted to try pork in your life, i'd say go for a prime galungan cheek. nobody in the US will need to know about your swinacide, either. you can keep your secret all your life. :)

    enjoy your last few days, liz. kick back! see you soon.
