Friday, January 29, 2010

Selamat pagi, teman-teman!

Which is to say, good morning, friends! (I think. Professor Just, please don't hate me if I'm wrong!)

I got into Denpasar last night after way too many hours of flying. Then cue a bit of a mixup about hotels, which was horrible but worked itself out in a matter of minutes (I apparently went to the wrong hotel. Oops.)

Today I meet the rest of the students on my program. I believe we go from here to Tabanan province, but I could be wrong. Anyway, not much news here (although I will say that the coffee is fantastic) -- I'll fill you all in after I've actually done some stuff here!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Counting Down

In two days, I'll be sitting in Dulles airport waiting to board my flight, first to Seoul, then to Denpasar, Bali. Roughly a day and a half after departure, I'll be getting off the plane in Bali, undoubtedly surprised -- despite my constant checking of -- by the wave of hot, humid air that hits me.

There are five other students on my trip. For the first week we'll be in Tabanan province, in the southwest-ish region of the island; after that we'll be spending the majority of our time at homestays in Bedulu, a small village/town not far from Ubud. (See the map on the side bar for reference points.) From there, we'll take excursions to the rest of the island, and finish with an independent study period (ISP). Pictures to come in ensuing posts!

Until then, I'm running around like a headless chicken trying to accomplish all the things I've put off in the past month. Slowly but surely, I'm crossing things off of my list.

Internet in Bali is going to be limited, but I'll post as frequently as I can -- hopefully at least every week or two. Check back for more stories and adventures!