Friday, January 29, 2010

Selamat pagi, teman-teman!

Which is to say, good morning, friends! (I think. Professor Just, please don't hate me if I'm wrong!)

I got into Denpasar last night after way too many hours of flying. Then cue a bit of a mixup about hotels, which was horrible but worked itself out in a matter of minutes (I apparently went to the wrong hotel. Oops.)

Today I meet the rest of the students on my program. I believe we go from here to Tabanan province, but I could be wrong. Anyway, not much news here (although I will say that the coffee is fantastic) -- I'll fill you all in after I've actually done some stuff here!


  1. yeah? well, my coffee comes from a little place called Bethesda. ever heard of it? all the officianidos RAVE about... oh, i'll just stop. darn, how i want that coffee!

  2. Yay, well done getting there safely. :)

  3. LIZ! I was randomly clicking around facebook and saw the link to your blog on your profile. That's awesome that you're studying abroad in Indonesia! I'm in Jakarta right now for winter break (my family's lived here since I graduated), but I was just in Bali over New Year's. Let me know if you have any questions or need help with anything! Hope you have a wonderful semester!

    -India Wells

  4. Way to not die! Post pictures when you've got 'em? :)

  5. Slamat pagi teman-teman? Wah! Kau sudah lancar sekali!

  6. India -- thanks! My program is pretty much awesome in terms of helping us get anything we need and answering all questions, but it's good to have another resource! If you make your way back to Bali in the next 4 months you should definitely let me know.

    Pak Just -- Terima kasih!
